We saw the TV images of the hot air balloon tragedy that happened in Canada last Friday. A mother and her baby in the flames, as the balloon (a fireball based) fell to the ground. We looked for a moment and then changed the channel. To raise our opinion, precisely this kind of image doesot enrich myself (or others) in any way, We canot help but wonder: Are these pictures really kind of TV viewers and magazine sales (even today) Do you still see violent images on theews channels, or buy magazines with grisly photos Or have you seen enough Sonic @ 2: We doot think believing in censurship. We 'm all for choice. our question is: Have you, or you doot see @ Angels Demon: We think that you know the answer to your question :)

We think youever saw the Hindenberg videos -eventhough it was in black and white, it was far more disturbing. We doot think We see everything, especially grotesque images, but much worse than a balloon in flames killing a mother and daughter is happening all over the world, and weever see them "uncensored" on the eveningews, why because the decision lies with the producers of media - "if it bleeds it leads", butot in every situation -After 11 September andew Internet media has made it worse because we are more desensitized to graphic violence and uncut / uncensored footage sometimes it just takes disturbing horrific images you want to change mindset on people jaded and forces them to change the world or a difference.
Media responsibility : Hot air balloon tragedy
Media responsibilities: Tragedy balloon


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